Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is very simple: We don't save any personally-identifiable information about you.

Finding your Senators and Representatives

When we ask you for your zip code or your full street address we never save that information. We simply use it to query the Google Civic Information API so that we can give you the contact information of your Senators and Representatives.

Qur'an Recitation Signups

Organizations that use our services sometimes want their members to sign up to read a one more Juz of the Quran. You can sign up anonymously, or you can enter your name here. If you enter your name, it is saved and shared with the organization. For example if you sign up to read a Juz as part of your local masjid's effort, you could enter your name as 'Ibrahim' or 'Ayesha N.' If it's a small enough masjid they would know who are you are and can reach out to you.

This is completely optional. You could leave this blank, and the name would show up as "Anonymous." The Muslim Voice does not need or plan to do anything with the name you enter in the field. As we mentioned on our Thanksgiving Project page: no one will check up on you. Please complete the Juz at your convenience. InshaAllah your reward will be with Allah the Most High.